Chavakali Programs

Chavakali is a small town about 45 minutes outside Kisumu. It is the third largest city in Kenya and home to the beautiful lake Kisumu. This is a vibrant culture with singing and dancing at every opportunity. The school and residence are together at the Merrow Christian School, so you will be right in the heart of the program and interacting with the children and staff all day and evening if you like. The accommodations are modern and comfortable. It is warm during the day and rains most afternoons/evenings.

Community Teaching Experience Program


Local children in Kenya, especially those in rural areas, rarely have the chance to meet and interact with foreigners. Most do not even get the chance to practice English outside of the school setting, despite the language being one of the official languages of Kenya. Even interacting and speaking English properly with them may benefit their learning and increase their confidence with the language.

This is an opportunity to both teach and learn. Thanks to participants like you, primary school students who have never had the chance to interact with foreigners before are now meeting and learning about other cultures in their own school setting. Your efforts will not only help to expand their views, it will teach you a thing or two as well!

Keep in mind that you will be in charge of preparing lessons for the class where you will assist the teacher. This may be done in an informal way, so you are free to get creative! The favorite activities amongst the youngest students include games, gardening and singing.

What do I need to know?

  • You will need an open mind and a positive attitude. Expect that the school setting will likely be quite different from what you are used to. Bring a giving heart that is willing to show the children what life looks like where you are from. Carry any resources that might help enhance the learning experience. Some of the things you may take for granted are not standard in all classrooms globally. Most of all, bring your creativity and patience to manage the young bundles of inquisitive energy who will make this experience so worthwhile that you will hate to leave.
  • School staff are very highly regarded in the community. You will need to be respectful of the culture and the example you are setting for impressionable minds. The dress code is casual but conservative. All dresses, skirts or shorts must be below the knee. Blouses or shirts must have sleeves (no tank tops). Nothing worn can be see-through, revealing, nor have any offensive writing or photos. Failure to adhere to the dress code will prevent you from participating at the school.
  • You can expect your day at the school to be 3-5 hours depending on whether you help during lunch.
  • This program is available based upon the school schedule.
  • When possible, it is ideal for you to join this program for a minimum of 2 weeks. That will give the teachers, children and yourself the opportunity to make a lasting connection.

What is my schedule like?

  • Breakfast at the residence.
  • Make your way to the class to assist staff and students as assigned.
  • Join in with class activities.
  • Lunch at the residence.
  • Afternoons can be flexible, from helping staff during class activities to doing independent lesson planning or visiting local sites.
  • Dinner at the residence.

What is needed?

Every student needs the basics like pencils, pens, crayons, rulers and erasers. If you can bring a few chapter books, activity workbooks or coloring books, that would be a bonus! Teachers could benefit from chalk, dry erase markers, pens, dictionaries, thesauruses, charts, graphs, resources, etc. Donations are greatly appreciated! If you cannot fit these items into your luggage, feel free to purchase them upon arrival, which also supports the local economy.


Follow the government guidelines for visas and vaccines.

Weekly Contribution

24,000 KSH ($200USD/EU)

What’s included

  • Airport pick up
  • An orientation meeting that includes a brief introduction to the country and a Swahili language lesson
  • A clean, comfortable and friendly accommodation
  • A safe and secure work placement
  • A suitable volunteer project with our experienced and friendly coordinators 3-5 hours a day or more if volunteers choose
  • Ongoing 24/7 support from the local team
  • A certificate of completion if needed

All weekends are free for the volunteers to travel to places of interest across the country at their own cost.

If a volunteer decides to spend an extra day at our accommodation, he or she will pay 35 euros per day.

We do airport pick ups from Kisumu International Airport on the weekend only.

Kindly note that we do not do airport drop offs for volunteers. The volunteers pay for their own drop off to the airport. (We however assist them in planning for taxis to drop them off on time).

Is there anything else I can bring with me as a donation for the community?

  • Flash cards to help with the teaching (1-3 grade English and math)
  • Soccer balls
  • English phonics reading books
  • Jump ropes
  • Bubbles
  • Any of your childhood favorite games to learn
  • Any creative way you want to engage (ex: nail polish and lipsticks kits to do a beauty day, music, art)
  • Gently used clothing

Please contact us to build your perfect volunteer adventure. You can stay in one place or visit all 3 locations. You won’t want to miss the experience of a lifetime.

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Please be advised that we do our best to provide a clear and manageable schedule for all persons joining the DGF programs. However, sometimes unforeseen circumstances beyond our control may require certain changes. These may include, but are not limited to, weather, political events, health matters or other local conditions. If something like this occurs, we will do our best to provide as much notice as possible. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding in these situations.